Make you selection:

The majority of the sellers and buyers have good intentions and are reliable. They send goods as agreed and paying timely. Unfortunately, just like in the real world, a small group of people will abuse the trust of others . See our tips below for Buying and Selling at Racedeal which contributes to a safe, successful and enjoyable (re) sale.

Behave online as you would in real life!

  • Use common sense: if something looks too good to be true, then it usually is.
  • Pay the product through PayPal and your purchases are often protected indefinitely.
  • Be alert to buyers and sellers from abroad and do not use (anonymous) payment methods such as Western Union.


The majority of the sellers and buyers have good intentions and are reliable. They send goods as agreed and paying timely. Unfortunately, just like in the real world, a small group of people will abuse the trust of others . See our tips below for Buying and Selling at Racedeal which contributes to a safe, successful and enjoyable (re) sale.

Behave online as you would in real life!

  • Use common sense: if something looks too good to be true, then it usually is.
  • Pay the product through PayPal and your purchases are often protected indefinitely.
  • Be alert to buyers and sellers from abroad and do not use (anonymous) payment methods such as Western Union.


Personal contact and clear communication

For the Buyers

  • Search for products in your area and get them yourself from the seller
  • Make contact by phone, preferably via a landline.
  • Make clear agreements with the seller, the price, delivery and warranty.
  • As a buyer, you can avoid disappointment by clear information to the product offered, such as relevant product (including any failures) and clear (high resolution) photos.
  • Let your common sense and trust your instincts: if something looks too good to be true, then it usually is.
  • Prefer not to speak out in a secluded spot and do not take large sums of money.

For the Sellers

  • Personally deliver and pay: If you deliver the article, you are sure that you will get paid.
  • Make contact by phone, preferably via a landline.
  • Let your common sense and trust your instincts: if something looks too good to be true, then it usually is.
  • Make clear agreements with the buyer about the price, delivery and warranty.
  • As a seller, you can avoid disappointment by clear information about the product offered, such as relevant product (including any failures) and clear (high resolution) photos.
  • Consider (especially when it comes to large amounts) to put down in writing together with the agreements made, for example, a purchase agreement and a receipt as proof of payment and delivery.
  • Prefer not to speak out in a secluded spot.

Know who you are doing business with

For the Buyers

Be alert if the offer is too good to be true.
Gather as much information about the buyer and keep all the (transmission) information.
Be alert to buyers from abroad. read more
Check various internet forums by name, address, telephone number.
Do you have any of the potential buyer received an offer above the asking price, be alert. read more
The buyer is in a hurry with the purchase and do not need to pre-inspect the product.

For the Sellers

  • Be alert, if the offer is too good to be true the it probally is.
  • Gather as much information about the buyer and keep all the (sending) information.
  • Be alert to buyers from abroad.
  • Check various internet forums by name, address, telephone number.
  • Do you have any of the potential buyer received an offer above the asking price, be alert.
  • Be alert if the buyer is in a hurry with the purchase and do not need to pre-inspect the product.

Know what you are buying

For the Buyers


For the Sellers


Secure payment and shipping

For the Buyers

For the Sellers


Transaction problems


For the Buyers


For the Sellers